It takes an incredibly brave and dedicated individual to put his/her/their life on the line to protect the safety and well-being of the people of this country. However, it takes an incredibly ignorant individual to say courage and dedication is not enough to be allowed to serve in the military, but gender identification is a factor as well.
Recently, on June 26, Recently, President Donald Trump proposed banning transgender individuals from serving in the military. The 1,500 transgender individuals who are in the military would be discharged. Trump reasons that removing the transgender population from the military would eliminate the “burden” of medical costs. This is incredibly hypocritical since the military spends 10 times the money on erectile dysfunction meds per year as it does on medical care for transgender people.
The true burden is the setback this action will take on the progression of human rights, acceptance of the LGBTQ community in the U.S. and the priorities of government spending. Transgender rights are human rights, and if a transgender individual is brave and noble enough to want to protect us by joining the military, then who is anyone to say they can’t?
Elizabeth Goldsmith