Getting nuked isn’t Guam’s only major concern from this administration of fools. Global warming is already causing sea level rise and coral bleaching and will only get worse if ignored any longer. This reality TV star that we allowed to get elected is trying hard to escalate the climate crisis by facilitating the burning of as much fossil fuel as his cronies like Rex Tillerson, Bob Murray and the Koch brothers can wrest out of the ground. Damn the consequences.
Hopefully, congressional investigations highlight how the techniques Vladimir Putin used to get Donald Trump elected are similar to those that Exxon, etc. — financed to politicize climate science. Don’t accept that extreme weather and more record heat is inevitable. If we stop polluting our atmosphere with greenhouse gases soon we can avoid the five degrees of warming and the extreme rainfall events from a warmer atmosphere the recent National Climate Assessment warns Utah could face in 30 years on top of the degree we’ve already suffered.
Putting a price on greenhouse gas pollution is an economically efficient and transparent way to transition into cleaner energy. Congress will do this if there’s the political will, so please write, call and tweet them to #PutAPriceOnIt.
Kevin Leecaster
Salt Lake City