In the history of the world, has anyone ever brought another person around to his or her way of thinking by screaming profanity and insults at that person?
Person A • “[Deleted] you and [blank] anyone who [horrible word] likes that [#%@*] [insert political candidate, legislative position or favorite sports team]!”
Person B • “Wow, I never thought about it that way. You might be right. Thanks.”
One thing for sure is that nobody ever rallied others to a cause by running over them with a car. I’ve done my research on this and can with assurance state that it only kills them, injures them or makes them madder. It doesn’t change their mind.
Maybe it’s just me. Maybe I’m politically immature. I tend to lose interest when people advocate a position in a manner that allows me to see only their tongue and teeth.
This is true even when I agree with what the person is yelling about. He or she could be shrieking, making obscene gestures, and urinating in his or her pants as a way of demonstrating the importance of water conservation.
Person • “Two, four, six, eight, golf courses xeriscape!”
Me • “Ugh. I gotta go … anywhere else.”
Note: If you’re a clubber, my stand on the wastefulness of watering golf courses in a desert isn’t directed at you personally. I’m not even against the game. I won’t dress like a ninja, smear fertilizer on my face, and shout profanity at you while you’re trying to make par. If you truly want to impress someone with your game, however, try breaking 80 on a course in 100 percent natural Rush Valley.
Where was I? Oh, yeah, rage vs. reason. Using debate tactics on others that wouldn’t work on us is a sign of insanity. If such methods truly are effective, would you suggest them to anyone in sales?
What about missionary work? If I’m wrong — it happens a lot — and losing your mind really is an effective way of converting others, maybe LDS mission presidents should suggest it.
“I want you to go out and knock on doors. When people answer and they aren’t Mormon, spit on them. Curse them. Maybe even shove them to prove your sincerity. Be sure to overreact if they shove back.”
But I rather suspect that conversion isn’t the true purpose behind hurling rocks and insults, baiting the police or dressing up in racist apparel.
I’m not suggesting a ban on demonstrations. I am stating emphatically that far too often these demonstrations get out of hand. Why? Because reason and respect require real effort. Flying into a rage doesn’t.
Also, tolerating others’ right to express a different opinion isn’t nearly as exciting as losing your mind and trying to hurt them.
It doesn’t even have to be in person. The internet is great place to figure out how easy it is to set someone off.
Make a public statement on anything at all — religion, politics, flower arranging — and it won’t take long before some loon rips into you.
You • “I prefer geraniums in this case.”
Crazy Person • “ [Politician’s name] likes geraniums. So you’re a steaming pile of skunk excrement!”
Don’t reciprocate. Thank this person for doing you the favor of knowing whom to block/avoid in the future. Then get on with your less encumbered life.